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One of the most important kinds of public transportation for the American public is the ability to travel comfortably on a bus or traveling on a motorcoach. This is a form of transportation with a lot of history and that is why people respect it. However, there are so many great benefits that come along with a motorcoach facility.

Horse-drawn buses were in use as early as the 1820s. Regular intercity bus services by steam-powered buses were pioneered in England in the 1830s. This is the type of history that lied behind the idea of a modernized motorcoach facility.

United States passenger bus travel increased by 7.5% from 2011 to 2012, making it the fastest growing form of travel in the country, according to a study by the American Bus Association. This may surprise people especially since most Americans imagine the most popular form of public transportation is flying by plane.

The motorcoach industry is made up of nearly 3,400 mostly small businesses. The total industry fleet of 33,400 vehicles provides, charter, tour, sightseeing, airport shuttle, commuter, and scheduled services. These small businesses can seriously help out local areas through tourism and more. Here are all of the facts on a local motorcoach facility.

A Motorcoach Facility Brings Plenty Of Money To Communities

The demand for good and services created by motorcoach travel, combined with new motorcoach sales and industry equipment purchases, generates employment for 792,700 people. This can help bring jobs to a local area where that is needed. This is incredibly helpful and can help a community employ people who need jobs.

One motorcoach spending one night at a destination generates as much as $11,660 for that local economy in meals, lodging, and other types of spending. Motorcoach traveler and tourist demand generate more than $55 billion annually in economic transactions. This is a whole lot of money that can come just from a motorcoach facility.

Motorcoaches infuse tourism dollars into every community. A single motorcoach spending one night at a destination generates up to $11,660 for that local economy in lodging, meals and other spending. All of this money can help a community out a lot with whatever they need. This money can potentially be turned around and put right back into the community.

There Are Plenty of Motorcoach Facilities Across the United States

There are 5 times as many motorcoach terminals nationwide as there are airports and 6 times as many bus terminals as there are intercity rail terminals. This is the type of public transportation that is worthy of an investment. People can get serious help from a motorcoach facility.

For more than 14 million rural United States residents, motorcoaches are the only available mode of public intercity transportation service, going where air and rail do not go. There are more people who are trying to get themselves onto a motorcoach for public transportation than ever before. Motorcoaches account for 751,000,000 passenger trips taken annually.

A Motorcoach Facility Helps A Lot Of Different People

While some may think that a motorcoach facility is primarily used by one group of people that is not true at all. There are hard working Americans that rely on public forms of transportation because they are not able to use any other kind of transportation. As previously mentioned, some people must use it because they live in a rural area with no other means of transportation.

The majority of long-distance bus trips are taken by females, who account for 55 percent of trips, while men account for 45 percent. Students and seniors accounted for 50% of the passenger trips provided by the motorcoach industry in 2012. Adults and young adults accounted for 49% of the passenger trips provided by the motorcoach industry in 2012.

In Conclusion

Every single year there are more and more poeple who rely on a motorcoach to get them to and from their destination. Thus, it is important that the United States moves forwards with trying to develop and enhance this form of transportation.

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