Traveling can be a great experience, even if you are just traveling for business. After all, even traveling for business can give you a great way to see the world and is actually likely to be far less expensive than traveling on your own, as your company is likely to fund at least part of the trip. Perhaps this is why taking business trips is popular among the Millennial generation, among who up to forty five percent said that they were looking to travel more for business (in comparison, only just over twenty five percent of all currently employed Baby Boomers said the same thing).
And with the uptick of business travelers, corporate travel management has become more important than ever before. Corporate travel management should be in place at just about any sizable company, providing a way for business trips to be easy scheduled and maintained. And aside from corporate travel management, group travel companies are also likely to be involved. After all, as anyone who has worked in corporate travel management can attest to, usually more than one person from a company is going on the business trip, thereby necessitating the use of a reputable group travel company.
Fortunately, the planning of a business trip by a corporate travel management service has become easier now than it has ever been before. This is directly due to the use of online platforms for travel planning. From the corporate travel management service to individual travelers, the world of the internet has made planning a trip easier than it has ever been. In fact, more than half of all trips (fifty three percent, to be more exactly) are first researched and then directly booked on an online platform.
And travel in the United States has never been bigger, from corporate travel management to personal trips. The data that has been gathered on this subject more than backs this claim up, showing that various commercial airlines carried more than three and a half billion people from place to place in the year of 2016 alone. This was incredibly lucrative, of course, bringing in more than five hundred billion dollars to the United States alone, let alone other places all throughout the world.
And business trips in particular have been on the rise, in part thanks to the growth of the typical corporate travel management service. By the time that the year of 2017 had drawn to a close, for instance, it’s estimated that considerably more than four hundred and sixty million business trips had been taken all throughout the country. And this number is only projected to keep climbing, with more than four hundred and ninety nine million domestic business trips taken by the time that the year of 2022 is reached, a year that is now less than four full years away.
Of course, business trips make up the primary amount of trips that are taken by any given company. However, incentive trips and incentive travel is also popular at many places of work, especially when it comes to the field of sales. Incentive travel companies can provide businesses with just the right travel destination for those members of the team who are being rewarded – perhaps for meeting a certain sales quota.
And there are many options when it comes to planning an incentive travel trip for your employees. Cruises, for instance, have taken off (literally and figuratively). After all, there’s nothing quite as luxurious as taking a leisurely cruise in tropical waters. And when you’re on a cruise, there’s more to do than the average person might even realize.
For instance, the food itself can provide a whole array of experiences. Many cruises also tend to be all you can eat, giving the typical passenger the chance to indulge, to a live a little more luxuriously than usual. Aside from this, the on deck entertainment is usually impressive in and of itself, and activities are usually provided not just for adults but for people of all ages as well (though adults only cruises are also popular and can be pursued by the interested parties).
Travel is growing quickly here in the United States, there is most certainly no doubt about it.